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Yeni Şafak

Pro-gov’t daily owner admits to blaming failed coup on Gülenists without any evidence

The chairman of Albayrak Holding, which owns the pro-government Yeni Şafak daily, has admitted that his paper released news reports blaming the Gülen movement...

Holding that owns pro-gov’t daily awarded 437 public tenders over past 11 years

Albayrak Holding, which owns the pro-government Yeni Şafak daily, has been awarded 437 public tenders over the past 11 years under the rule of...

Pro-gov’t Turkish daily heralds domestically produced car 71 times in 9 years

A video that appeared on Turkish social media showed that since 2010, the pro-government Yeni Şafak daily has reported 71 times on the Turkish government’s quest for...

Turkey ‘besieged by global media,’ pro-gov’t daily claims

The Yeni Şafak newspaper on Tuesday said Turkey is being besieged by the global media, referring to a series of digital news platforms in Turkish launched...

Pro-government Turkish daily: 20,000 Free Syrian Army militants to join Idlib defense

Turkey is planning to send 20,000 Free Syrian Army (FSA) militants to the rebel-held Syrian town of Idlib to protect the civilian population as...

Pro-Erdoğan daily declares Trump, Pence ‘lunatics of a deviant sect’

The pro-Erdoğan Turkish Yeni Şafak daily claimed on Wednesday that US President Donald Trump and US Vice President Mike Pence are pondering a “crusade,”...

Pro-gov’t Turkish daily calls for reimprisonment of Pastor Brunson

The staunchly pro-government Yeni Şafak daily has called on Turkish judicial authorities to reimprison an American Christian pastor in Turkey who was released from...

Another journalist sentenced to 7.5 years on terror charges

The Ankara 26th High Criminal Court on Monday handed down a seven year, six month sentence to journalist Kazım Canlan after he was convicted...

US ‘seriously concerned’ about Turkish officials targeting opponents

In response to a question regarding threats made by Aydın Ünal, a former speechwriter of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and current ruling Justice...

Erdoğan daily targets McGurk: He is behind the terror

Yeni Şafak, a staunch supporter of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, on Tuesday accused Brett McGurk, the US special presidential envoy for the Global Coalition...

Pro-gov’t daily: 97 percent of Turks see US as enemy, 94 percent see NATO as threat

An online survey conducted by the pro-government Yeni Şafak daily has revealed that almost 97 percent of the Turkish nation sees the US as...

Pro-gov’t daily calls for investigation of German foundations in Turkey

The pro-government Yeni Şafak daily has called on Turkish authorities to launch an investigation into German foundations in Turkey, claiming that these organizations are...

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