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İstanbul election re-run

Some 68,000 cannot vote in İstanbul polls, election authority says

Turkey’s Supreme Election Board (YSK) has announced that a total of 68,017 people will not be able to vote in İstanbul’s mayoral election scheduled for June...

[ANALYSIS] What is Sunday’s İstanbul election all about?

The latest polls show that the opposition’s candidate, Ekrem İmamoğlu, will probably be the winner of Sunday’s İstanbul mayoral election. It will be the second time,...

İmamoğlu appears on state broadcaster for first time, alleging discrimination

Ekrem İmamoğlu, the mayoral candidate for İstanbul from the Republican People’s Party (CHP), on Tuesday evening appeared on the state-run Turkish Radio and Television (TRT) for...

Konda poll says opposition’s İmamoğlu leading by 8 percent

Turkey’s opposition candidate for İstanbul mayoral office is leading the polls with more than 8 percent, according to a prominent Turkish polling company. Conducted on 3,498 İstanbulites...

46 percent of viewers say opposition’s İmamoğlu more successful in TV debate

Forty-six percent of viewers found opposition İstanbul mayoral candidate Ekrem İmamoğlu “more successful” than the ruling party’s Binali Yıldırım in a TV debate aired on Sunday,...

İstanbul mayoral candidates to appear on TV for debate: officials

Turkey’s ruling and opposition party candidates for the coveted İstanbul mayor’s seat are set to meet this weekend in a debate to be televised live, party...

Ruling party candidate agrees to debate İmamoğlu on TV

Ruling Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) İstanbul mayoral candidate Binali Yıldırım has announced that he agrees in principle to face his rival, Ekrem İmamoğlu, in a televised...

Polling station officials under investigation will serve again on June 23, says election authority

Turkey’s Supreme Election Board (YSK) has announced that polling station chairs and officials who are under investigation by the İstanbul Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office on accusations of...

HDP aims to persuade 200,000 Kurdish voters to support opposition’s İmamoğlu

Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Co-chair Pervin Buldan has said their election campaign will aim to convince some 200,000 Kurds who failed to vote in a...

İstanbul municipal employee fired for donating to İmamoğlu’s campaign

Nuri Başkapan, who worked for the İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality, has been fired from his job of five years for donating money to an opposition mayoral candidate’s...

Main opposition party’s campaign booth attacked in İstanbul

An unknown group of people attacked a campaign booth manned by the main opposition Republican People’s Party’s (CHP) in İstanbul’s Büyükçekmece district as a repeat mayoral election...

Latest polls show opposition’s İmamoğlu leading in İstanbul election re-run

The latest polls for the re-run of the İstanbul mayoral election indicate that opposition alliance candidate Ekrem İmamoğlu is leading the race. According to a pro-government MAK...

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