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German arms sales to Turkey declined by $10.6 million in 2020

Figures provided by the German Ministry of Economy have revealed that arms sales to Turkey decreased by €8.7 million ($10.6 million) in 2020 compared...

German parliamentary report describes Turkey as an invader in Syria

A report drafted by the German Bundestag’s Scientific Services Department suggests that Turkey’s role in Syria qualifies as an occupying force, Deutsche Welle Turkish...

Bundestag calls on Turkey to release detained AI human rights activists

Matthias Zimmer, chairman of the German Bundestag’s Committee on Human Rights, on Monday sent a letter to the Turkish Embassy in Berlin urging Turkey...

Germany revokes ‘lese majeste’ law after Erdoğan’s attempt to have satirist indicted

The German Bundestag on Friday revoked a law protecting heads of state and government from insults that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan invoked in...

AK Party deputy Külünk to submit proposal seeking to recognize ‘Namibian genocide’

Justice and Development Party (AK Party) İstanbul deputy Metin Külünk has prepared a legislative proposal that seeks to recognize mass killings of the Namibians...

Turkey calls back ambassador after German parliament recognizes ‘Armenian genocide’

Turkey has called back Turkish Ambassador to Berlin, after German lawmakers accepted with overwhelming majority a symbolic resolution that labels the killings of Armenians...

Germany accepts resolution declaring Armenian killings during WWI “genocide”

German parliament has voted on a symbolic resolution that labels the killings of Armenians during 1915 and 1916 a “genocide” by Ottoman forces, accepting...

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