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Turkish government to build 20 new prisons in 2023

Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) government is planning to build 20 new prisons this year, which is expected to significantly increase the...

Man calls on authorities to let wife jailed on Gülen links reunite with cancer patient son

A man has called on Turkish authorities to release his wife, serving a prison sentence on conviction of links to the Gülen movement, so...

Kurdish musician recounts details of mistreatment targeting her, Gülenists in Turkish prison

A Kurdish singer who was held in pretrial detention in Turkey for more than a year on terrorism charges has recounted the mistreatment she...

Journalist reporting from northern Syria gets suspended sentence on terrorism charges

A former reporter from Turkey's Dicle news agency (DİHA) has been handed down a suspended three-year sentence on conviction of terrorism due to his...

Book tells story of teacher who died in Turkish prison due to lack of medication

A recently published book tells the story of teacher Halime Gülsu, who died in a Turkish prison in 2018 due to deprivation of a medication...

Turkish journalist faces 12 years in prison for announcing personal data leak

Turkish prosecutors are seeking a prison sentence of 12 years for journalist İbrahim Haskoloğlu, who was briefly detained in April after announcing that hackers...

Turkey violated prisoners’ rights by not granting visits for schoolchildren on weekends: ECtHR

The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) ruled on Tuesday that Turkish authorities violated the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) by not allowing...

Turkish prisons at 16 percent overcapacity: report

Turkish prisons are holding 49,518 more prisoners than their overall capacity, the Stockholm Center for Freedom reported, citing the latest data from the Directorate...

Kurdish politician Demirtaş asks Justice Ministry to meet with jailed PKK leader Öcalan

Jailed Kurdish leader Selahattin Demirtaş has applied to the Justice Ministry for a meeting with leader of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) Abdullah...

Former general serving life sentence on coup charges dies in prison

Kemal Mutlum, a former brigadier general who was serving an aggravated life sentence on conviction of coup charges following an abortive putsch in Turkey...

Court upholds 5 journalists’ sentences, reverses decision to acquit another one in RedHack trial

A regional appeals court in İstanbul has upheld the sentences handed down to five journalists and reversed a decision to acquit another one of...

Turkish government to build 20 new prisons in 2023

The Turkish government, which plans to complete the construction of 18 new prisons by the end of the year, is now planning to build...

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