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Rector’s office bans pride march at ODTÜ

The rector’s office at the Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ) in Ankara has banned an annual pride march that was to be held on...

Turkish court acquits students over Pride event at Ankara university

A Turkish court on Friday acquitted 18 students and an academic involved in an unsanctioned Pride event at a top university in Ankara, their...

Police detain 5 ODTÜ students before graduation ceremony

Five students from Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ) were taken into police custody on Sunday ahead of the school’s graduation ceremony, which is usually...

Charges against ODTÜ students attending LGBTI parade must be dropped, Amnesty says

Amnesty International has launched an urgent action campaign to urge Turkey’s justice minister to help in dropping criminal charges against Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ) students...

ODTÜ stipulates academic must visit Erdoğan if wins TÜBİTAK award

The rector’s office of Turkey’s Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ) has stipulated that an academic who has been nominated for an award given by...

Prosecutor demands political ban for over 60 CHP deputies who retweeted Erdoğan caricature

A Turkish prosecutor who filed summaries of proceedings with parliament has demanded a political ban – meaning expulsion from the legislature and a prohibition...

Investigation launched into ODTÜ students for unfurling rainbow flag at graduation

An investigation has been launched into more than 20 students at the Ankara-based Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ) for unfurling a rainbow flag at...

CHP’s Kılıçdaroğlu tweets caricature that caused arrest of 4 ODTÜ students

Republican People’s Party (CHP) leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu on Tuesday posted a caricature on Twitter called “Tayyipler Âlemi” (World of Tayyips), which had previously caused...

[UPDATE] 6 ODTÜ students detained over placard ‘insulting’ Erdoğan

Two more students from Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ) in Ankara were detained on Monday on charges of insulting President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, bringing...

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