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VOA reporter called ‘provocateur’ for asking MHP chair about murder of former Grey Wolves president

Turkey’s far-right Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) has described a reporter from Voice of America's Turkish edition who asked the party’s leader about the recent...

Turkish journalist faces 12 years in prison for announcing personal data leak

Turkish prosecutors are seeking a prison sentence of 12 years for journalist İbrahim Haskoloğlu, who was briefly detained in April after announcing that hackers...

Journalist gets 3 years in prison for disseminating terrorist propaganda on social media

A Turkish court has sentenced a journalist to three years in prison on conviction of disseminating terrorist propaganda in her social media posts, the...

Journalist covering news of purge victims released after two days of detention

A journalist who has been working as a reporter for KHK TV, a YouTube channel established by victims of a post-coup purge in Turkey,...

Journalist gets suspended sentence due to report on Turkish Red Crescent executives

A Turkish court has handed down a suspended two-year sentence to a journalist from the Birgün daily due to a report on executives from...

Journalist gets 13 years in prison on terrorism charges

A journalist from a now-closed Kurdish newspaper has been handed down a prison sentence of 13 years, three months on various terrorism charges and...

Journalist prosecuted for reporting on intel officer’s death in Libya awarded damages

The Turkish government has been ordered to pay TL 25,000 ($1,350) in damages to a journalist who was jailed for more than three months...

Journalist gets two-and-a-half years for aiding a terrorist organization

A journalist in the predominantly Kurdish province of Diyarbakır has been sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison due to her journalistic activities in 2015...

Journalist gets 6 years in prison on terrorism charges

A Turkish court has handed down a jail sentence of six years, three months to a journalist on conviction of terrorist organization membership due...

Court sentences veteran journalist for insulting ex-PM in 2014 column

An İstanbul court has sentenced veteran journalist Uğur Dündar to 11 months, 20 days in prison for “insulting” then-transportation minister and current Justice and...

Turkish journalist in US faces warrants over articles, tweets critical of Erdoğan gov’t

An arrest warrant was issued in Turkey for a Turkish journalist who lives in exile in the US over an article he wrote critical of...

CPJ calls on Swedish authorities to investigate attack on journalist Dönmez

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has called on the Swedish authorities to conduct a swift and thorough investigation into an attack on journalist Ahmet...

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