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Opposition leader to pay damages to Erdoğan over allegations of fraud in public tender

A Turkish court has ordered Turkey’s main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu to pay damages in the amount of TL 50,000...

Turkey seeks extradition of journalist in exile reporting on gov’t corruption

Turkey’s Justice Ministry is seeking the extradition of an investigative journalist living in exile in Germany from where he reports extensively on the Turkish...

Prosecutor seeks 14 years for mob boss due to allegations about interior minister

A Turkish prosecutor has filed an indictment that seeks a 14-year, seven-month sentence for notorious mob boss Sedat Peker due to his scandalous allegations...

Erdoğan fires advisor named in bribery, corruption allegations by mafia boss

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has fired his advisor Serkan Taranoğlu after mafia boss Sedat Peker last week revealed the inner workings of a...

Court blocks access to news stories on mob boss’ posts including footage of AKP MP

An Ankara court has blocked access to three online news stories which covered recent social media posts by mafia boss Sedat Peker that included...

Turkey failed to implement anti-corruption recommendations : GRECO report

A report recently released by the Council of Europe’s anti-corruption group, the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO), has revealed that Turkey satisfactorily implemented...

Large majority thinks corruption has been on the rise in Turkey in past 2 years

Nearly three out of every four people in Turkey think corruption has become more widespread over the past two years, Deutsche Welle Turkish service...

Opposition leader says will take tapes of Erdoğan and son leaked during 2013 graft probe to court

Main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu has read out in parliament the transcript of wiretapped conversations between then-prime minister and current...

Erdoğan caused $460 mn loss to state by awarding tender to pro-gov’t firm: opposition leader

Main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu has claimed that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan caused the state to sustain a financial loss...

Turkey has lowest ranking in 10 years in 2021 corruption index: Transparency International

Turkey has taken 10 steps back and was ranked the 96th least corrupt nation among 180 countries –- the lowest in the past 10...

Official notice reveals corruption suspect Zarrab is still financially active in Turkey

An official notice placed in a newspaper by Turkey's Social Security Institution (SGK) shows that a company owned by Iranian-Turkish businessman Reza Zarrab, who...

Opposition leader says receiving a flood of corruption files from bureaucrats

The leader of Turkey’s main opposition party has said his party is receiving numerous files revealing alleged corruption by the ruling Justice and Development...

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