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civil society

[OPINION] The capture of the civil space by Turkey’s AKP government

Ali Yıldız* Republican People’s Party (CHP) Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu claimed that 1 billion lira ($60.5 million) was funneled to the US-based Turken Foundation through donations by two...

Turkey’s terrorism financing law tightens gov’t control of civil society: Venice Commission

The Venice Commission, the Council of Europe’s advisory body on constitutional matters, has underlined in its opinion on Turkey's new terrorism financing law that...

Erdoğan puts intense pressure on NGOs with controversial new law

Alin Ozinian Turkey’s parliament on Dec. 27 passed a controversial bill that increases the monitoring of associations and foundations. Six out of the law’s 43...

Turkish Parliament approves bill feared to paralyze civil society

The Turkish Parliament has approved a controversial bill that would increase government control and monitoring of civil society groups and put freedom of association...

UNHCR calls for strengthening of search and rescue for migrants in Mediterranean

Charlie Yaxley, spokesman for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCR), said at a press briefing in Geneva on...

US ‘deeply troubled’ by arbitrary detentions, prosecutions in Turkey

Heather Nauert, the US State Department spokesperson, said at a press briefing on Tuesday that the United States is “deeply troubled” by the detention...

Gov’t halts activities of 370 foundations based on emergency rule

Turkey's Interior Ministry has announced that the activities of 370 foundations have been halted based on emergency rule currently in force in the country,...

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