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PEN: 102 journalists are currently under arrest or in custody in Turkey

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102 journalists are currently under arrest or in custody in Turkey, says recent Pen International report. 21 are currently detained. Out of the 79 arrests in total, 46 arrests have been made since the coup attempt and 33 journalists have been under arrest before the coup. Out of the detainments or arrests undertaken since the coup attempt, 59 charges relate to the coup and 36 are apprehended on other grounds.

22 detained journalists

Ahmet Memiş, Haberdar, In custody
Bertan Golal, TRT İstanbul, In custody
Emre Koçali, Haberdar, In custody
Erkan Büyük, Haberdar, In custody
Hakan Bülent Yardımcı,Express Magazine Licensee, In custody
İsi Siyi, Haberdar, In custody
Lokman Erdoğan, Çorum Manşet (local newspaper), In custody
Olgun Batur, Local Antalya journalist, In custody
Özcan Keser, TRT İstanbul, In custody
Rıfat Söylemez, Adana Günaydın (local newspaper), In custody
Taner Talaş, Adana Yerel, In custody
Tuncer Çetinkaya, Zaman Antalya, In custody
Yüksel Evsen, Adana local journalist, In custody
Zana Bilir Kaya, Özgür Gündem editor-in-chief, In Custody
Inan Kızılkaya, Özgür Gündem Managing editor, In Custody

Detained with charges outside of the coup attempt:

Nizamettin Yılmaz – Azadiya Welat, In custody
İdris Yılmaz – DİHA, In custody
Selman Keleş – DİHA, In custody
Engin Eren – DİHA, In custody
Metin Bekiroğlu – DİHA, In custody
Fatma Edemen – ETHA, Released on probation
Özgür Paksoy – DİHA reporter, In custody
Mesut Kaynar – DİHA, In custody

79 journalists under arrest

46 arrests made since the coup attempt

Abdullah Kılıç, Meydan Gazetesi columnist, Under arrest
Abdullah Özyurt, local Adana journalist, Under arrest
Ahmet Turan Alkan, Former Zaman columnist, Under arrest
Ahmet Yavaş, TRT (Erzurum), Under arrest
Ali Akkuş, Former Zaman General Publications Editor, Under arrest
Ali Bulaç ,Former Zaman columnist, Under arrest
Ali Ünal, Zaman columnist, Under arrest
Arda Akın, Hürriyet reporter, Under arrest
Ayşe Nazlı Ilıcak, Yarına Bakış columnist, Under arrest
Aytekin Gezici, Under arrest
Ayşenur Parıldak, former Zaman correspondent, Under arrest
Bayram Kaya, Zaman, Yeni Hayat reporter, Under arrest
Bünyamin Köseli, Former Aksiyon reporter, Under arrest
Cemal Azmi Kalyoncu, author, Under arrest
Cihan Acar, Former Bugün reporter, Under arrest
Cuma Kaya, Under arrest
Cuma Ulus, Former Publications Coordinator for Millet daily, Under arrest
Emre Soncan, Former Zaman Defense Reporter, Under arrest
Faruk Akkan, Cihan Ajansı, Under arrest
Fevzi Yazıcı, Zaman Visual Director (formerly), Under arrest
Habip Güler, Former Zaman reporter, Under arrest
Hakan Taşdelen, Under arrest
Halil İbrahim Mert, TRT (Erzurum), Under arrest
Hanım Büşra Erdal, Former Zaman reporter and columnist, Under arrest
Haşim Söylemez, Former Aksiyon Magazine columnist, Under arrest
Hüseyin Aydın, Cihan reporter, Under arrest
İbrahim Balta, Former Zaman Business Editor, Under arrest
Lalezar Sarıibrahimoğlu (Lale Kemal), Former Zaman columnist, Under arrest
Murat Avcıoğlu, Author Under arrest
Mustafa Erkan Acar, Cihan News Agency, Under arrest
Mustafa Ünal, Zaman Daily columnist, Under arrest
Mümtaz’er Türköne, Former Zaman columnist, Under arrest
Nuri Durna, TRT (Ezurum), Under arrest
Nuriye Ural (Akman), Former Zaman columnist, Under arrest
Seyid Kılıç, Former TRT reporter, Under arrest
Şahin Alpay, Former Zaman columnist, Under arrest
Şeref Yılmaz, Irmak TV, Under arrest
Ufuk Şanlı, Former Vatan columnist, Under arrest
Yakup Çetin, Former Zaman reporter, Under arrest
Yalçın Güler, TRT (Erzurum), Under arrest
Zafer Özsoy, Under arrest
Zeynel Abidin Bulut – Azadiya Welat, Under arrest
Zehra Doğan – JİNHA, Under arrest
Hülya Karakaya – Özgür Halk, Under arrest
Mehmet Arslan – DİHA, Under arrest
Lindsey Snell – Freelance journalist, Under arrest
Aslı Erdoğan – Author, Özgür Gündem Columnist, Under arrest

33 arrests before the coup attempt

Abdülkadir Turay, DİHA reporter, Under arrest
Ali Konar, Azadiya Welat bureau chief, Under arrest
Arafat Dayan, former editor at Demokratik Ulus Newspaper, Under arrest
Bilal Gündem, DİHA reporter, Under arrest
Cebrail Parıltı, Anadolu News Agency, Under arrest
Erdal Süsem, Editor of Eylül magazine, Under arrest
Erol Zavar, Editor in Odak Magazine, Under arrest
Emin Demir, Freelance reporter, Under arrest
Feyyaz Imrak, DİHA reporter, Under Arrest
Ethem Çağır, Özgür Gündem columnist, Under Arrest
Ferhat Çiftçi, Azadiya Welat, Gaziantep bureau chief, under arrest
Gurbet Çakar, Hevi Woman’s Magazine, Under arrest
Hamit Dilbahar, Azadiya Welat, Columnist, Under arrest
Hatice Duman, Atılım Daily former editor, Under arrest
Hidayet Karaca, Samanyolu TV, Under arrest
Kamuran Sunbat, DİHA, former Çukurova correspondent, Under arrest
Kenan Karavil, Radyo Dünya Editor-in-chief, Under arrest
Mazlum Dohan, DİHA, reporter, Under arrest
Mehmet Baransu, Taraf columnist, Under arrest
Mikail Barut, Özgür Halk Magazine former editor, Under arrest
Miktat Algül Mezitli FM editor-in-chief, Under arrest
Muhammed Doğru, DİHA reporter, Under arrest
Mustafa Gök, Ekmek ve Adalet Magazine, Ankara correspondent, Under arrest
Nedim Türfent, DİHA reporter, Under arrest
Nuri Yeşil, Azadiya Welat Dersim correspondent, Under arrest
Sami Tunca, Mücadele Birliği Magazine Managing Editor, Under arrest
Serkan Aydemir, Bitlis Aktüel Correspondent, Under arrest,
Seyithan Akyüz, Azadiya Welat Adana Correspondent, Under arrest
Şahabettin Demir, DİHA Van correspondent, Under arrest
Yılmaz Kahraman, Özgür Halk magazine, editor, Under arrest
Ziya Ataman, DİHA Van Correspondent, Under Arrest
Şermin Soydan, DİHA reporter, Under arrest

1 August 2016

The list below was gathered by cross referencing the different sources we have available to us at this time, and will be updated as we hear more news. This list only includes journalists and writers, and not businessmen or those with financial interests in the media.

Journalists listed here have had detention warrants issued for them. Where they have also been detained or charged it is stated beside the name.

-Abdullah Abdulkadiroğlu, Samanyolu TV
-Abdullah Kılıç, Meydan Newspaper Columnist, Charged
-Adil Gülçek, Former Cihan Media Director
-Ahmet Dönmez, Forman Zaman Reporter
-Ahmet Memiş, Reporter from Haberdar.com, Detained
-Ahmet Metin Sekizkardeş, Cihan Media Executive Board Vice President, Detained
-Ahmet Turan Alkan, Former Zaman Columnist, Detained
-Alaattin Güner, Former Cihan Media Director
-Ali Akbulut, Former Zaman Licensee
-Ali Akkuş, Former Zaman Newspaper editor, Charged
-Ali Bulaç , Former Zaman Newspaper Writer, Detained
-Ali Ünal, Zaman Daily Columnist
-Arzu Yıldız, Journalist from News site Haberdar.com,
-Ayşe Nazlı Ilıcak, Prominent Liberal Writer, Yarına Bakış Daily, Charged
-Aytekin Gezici, Author, Detained
-Bayram Kaya, Zaman and Yeni Hayat reporter, Charged
-Behçet Akya, Zaman Contributor
-Bilal Şahin, Özgür Düşünce Employee
-Bülent Ceyhan, Özgür Düşünce reporter,
-Bülent Keneş, Former Today’s Zaman Editor-in-chief
-Bülent Korucu, former Zaman writer
-Bünyamin Köseli, Former Aksiyon Reporter, Charged
-Cemal Azmi Kalyoncu, Author, Charged
-Cevheri Güven, Nokta Magazine Editor-in-chief
-Cihan Acar, Former Bugün Reporter, Charged
-Cuma Ulus, Former Millet Daily Publishing Coordinator, Charged
-Emre Koçali, Employee of News site Haberdar.com, Detained
-Emre Sonca, Former Zaman Defense Reporter, Charged
-Ercan Gün, Fox TV News Editor, Detained
-Erkan Akkuş, Former Bugün Tv Presenter
-Erkan Büyük, Haberdar.com, Detained
-Ertuğrul Erbaş, Former Nokta Magazine Editor
-Faruk Akkan, Cihan News Agency, Detained
-Faruk Kardıç, Freelance Journalist
-Fatih Akalan, Samanyolu Haber TV Commentator
-Fatih Yağmur, Former Radikal Daily Reporter
-Fevzi Yazıcı, Former Zaman Journalist
-Habip Güler, Former Zaman Reporter, Charged
-Hakan Bülent Yardımcı, Express Magazine Licensee, Detained
-Hamit Bilici, Former Zaman Newspaper Editor-in-chief
-Hanım Büşra Erdal, Former Zaman Daily Reporter and Columnist, Charged
-Haşim Söylemez, Former Aksiyon Magazine Writer, Charged
-Hilmi Yavuz, Former Zaman Columnist, Free on probation due to medical issues resulting from the fact that he is 80 years old, inquiry ongoing
-Hüseyin Aydın, Cihan Reporter, Charged
-İbrahim Balta, Former Zaman Economy Editor, Detained
-İhsan Duran Dağı, Former Zaman Columnist
-İsi Siyi, Journalist from News Site Haberdar.com, Detained
-Kamil Maman, Former Bugün Reporter
-Kerim Gün, Former Zaman Daily Editor
-Lalezar Sarıibrahimoğlu (Lale Kemal), Former Zaman Writer
-Levent Kenez, Meydan Daily Editor-in-chief
-Lokman Erdoğan, Journalist from Çorum Manşet, Detained
-Mahmut Hazar, Journalist from Cihan News Agency
-Mehmet Kamış, Former Zaman Writer
-Metin Tamer Gökçeoğlu, Journalist from Zaman Daily
-Metin Yıkar, Journalist from Samanyolu News
-Muhammed Fatih Uğur, Former Zaman Daily News Editor
-Murat Avcıoğlu, Author, Detained
-Mustafa Erkan Acar, Cihan News Agency, Charged
-Mümtazer Türköne, Former Zaman Writer, Detained
-Mürsel Genç, Former Cihan Reporter
-Nevzat Güner, Journalist from Zaman Daily
-Nuriye Ural (Akman), Former Zaman Writer, Detained
-Olgun Matur, Owner of Antalya Yerel News Site, Detained
-Oğuz Poyraz, Owner of Bodrum-based Kent TV
-Rıfat Söylemez, Journalist from Adana Günaydın, Detained
-Sait Sefa, Journalist for News Site Haberdar.com
-Selahattin Sevi, Former Zaman Photography Coordinator
-Sevgi Akarçeşme, Former Today’s Zaman Editor-in-chief
-Seyid Kılıç, Former TRT Reporter, Charged
-Süleyman Sargın, Writer at Yeni Hayat Daily
-Şahin Alpay, Former Zaman Columnist, Charged
-Şeref Yılmaz, Irmak Tv, Detained
-Taner Talaş, Journalist from Adana Yerel, Detained
-Tuncer Çetinkaya, Zaman Daily Antalya Reporter , Detained
-Turan Görüryılmaz, Can Erzincan T.V Reporter
-Ufuk Emin Köroğlu, Karşı Daily Reporter
-Veysel Ayhan, Yeni Hayat Daily Writer
-Yakup Çetin, Former Zaman Reporter, Charged
-Yüksel Evsen, Journalist from Adana Yerel, Detained
-Zehra Doğan Painter, Editor of Pro-Kurdish News Agency, JİNHA, Charged

This article orginally appeared in Pen International in 18 August 2016.

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