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Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat)

Turkey’s inflation surges to 48.7 percent, highest since 2002

Turkey's annual inflation jumped more than expected to 48.69 percent in January, nearly a two decade high according to data on Thursday, fueled by...

Turkish unemployment unchanged at 11.2 percent in November: TurkStat

Turkey's unemployment rate stood at 11.2 percent in November, unchanged from a month earlier, while a seasonally adjusted measure of labor underutilization fell 0.7...

Turkey’s purchasing power lags behind EU average by 38 points

Purchasing power in Turkey is 38 percent below the European Union average, the Birgün daily reported on Thursday, citing recently released Turkish Statistical Institute...

20,333 inmates in Turkish prisons have university degrees, a 151 pct increase since 2016

The number of inmates with university degrees in Turkey increased more than twofold between 2016 and 2020, reaching 20,333, according to the data released...

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