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Turkey’s state-run TRT to establish Netflix-like digital platform

Turkish state broadcaster TRT will establish an international digital platform that will be an alternative to Netflix, the popular American streaming service and production...

We did not ask Qatar for financial assistance, Turkish FM says about visit

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has said the purpose of a Turkish delegation’s recent visit to Qatar was not to ask for financial assistance...

AKP to cut 3 pct electricity charge to help consumers ahead of 2023 elections

Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party will cut monthly electricity bills by 3 percent to help consumers, a move that has raised eyebrows as...

Pro-Erdoğan journalist appointed as board member of state-run TRT

Hilal Kaplan, a journalist close to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has been appointed as a board member of Turkish state broadcaster TRT as...

Amid widening rift, Turkey launches new TV channel in Russian: report

Turkey’s state-run TRT broadcaster has launched a new Russian-language channel on digital platforms as differences between the countries widen over Libya and Syria, Bloomberg...

Pro-gov’t Turkish news network TRT registers as foreign agent in the US: report

Turkish state broadcaster TRT has registered as a foreign agent in the United States, becoming the latest foreign government-linked news outlet to be listed under the same...

Turkey’s public broadcaster launches digital operation in Germany

Turkish public broadcaster TRT launched a digital operation in Germany on Tuesday, according to a statement on its website. “We are clearly positioning ourselves against right-wing radicalism and...

161 Turkish media workers to welcome 2020 in jail

A total of 161 media workers will greet the new year in jail in Turkey, according to a report drafted by Jailed Journos, an online platform....

Turkey’s TRT asks scientist to contradict opposition mayor over water quality

Professor Esin Davutoğlu Şenol, a microbiologist at Gazi University in Ankara, has said she was asked by Turkey’s state-funded TRT broadcaster to contradict newly elected opposition mayor...

I wasn’t aware Öcalan’s brother had been sought by Turkish authorities: Erdoğan

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has claimed he was unaware that Osman Öcalan, brother of jailed leader of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) Abdullah Öcalan, had previously...

PKK leader’s brother appears on state-run TRT, urges support for AKP

Osman Öcalan, brother of the jailed leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) Abdullah Öcalan, has appeared on public broadcaster Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT), seeking...

İmamoğlu appears on state broadcaster for first time, alleging discrimination

Ekrem İmamoğlu, the mayoral candidate for İstanbul from the Republican People’s Party (CHP), on Tuesday evening appeared on the state-run Turkish Radio and Television (TRT) for...

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