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media freedom in Turkey

OSCE concerned about former Zaman art director Fevzi Yazıcı in solitary confinement

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Representative on Freedom of the Media Harlem Désir tweeted on Tuesday that he is concerned about media...

Turkish court rules Yeni Asya journalist Nur Ener to remain behind bars

The İstanbul 26th High Criminal Court on Tuesday ruled to continue the detention of Naciye Nur Ener Kılınç, who was imprisoned on March 5,...

Ankara promises Beijing to eliminate anti-China stance in Turkish media

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said on Thursday that his government would not allow anti-China activities in Turkey and would take measures to eliminate...

EP to Turkey: Journalists cannot be jailed and accused of terrorism for doing their job

Leaders of five party groups in the European Parliament (EP) reminded Turkey in a letter to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Prime Minister Binali...

Former Zaman reporter released, arrested again before leaving prison

Ayşenur Parıldak, a former reporter from the now-closed Zaman daily who is among dozens of journalists jailed after a failed military coup attempt in...

Turkey refuses to renew German reporter’s accreditation over ‘insulting Erdoğan’

The Turkish government has refused to renew the press accreditation of German Stern magazine reporter Raphael Geiger due to alleged remarks insulting Turkish President...

AI launches campaign to show solidarity with jailed journalists in Turkey

Amnesty International launched a campaign on Twitter on Thursday to support jailed journalists in Turkey, calling for their release, with the hashtag #FreeTurkeyMedia. AI created...

[VIDEO] Veteran Turkish journalist quits job in protest of gov’t pressure on media

Veteran Turkish journalist Ayşenur Arslan quit her daily program, Medya Mahallesi , at Halk TV, saying she cannot continue her job “as if everything...

HRW report: Turkey’s silencing of media, assaults on press freedom shield state from scrutiny

A report by US-based rights group Human Rights Watch (HRW) released on Thursday said that Turkey’s government has all but silenced independent media in...

Int’l cartoonist organizations demand release of Turkish colleague

Leading cartoonist organizations from around the world called on Turkey, in a joint statement, to release Musa Kart, a well-known Turkish cartoonist who was...

Former Özgür Gündem columnist Şaban İba detained in Turkey

Former columnist of the now-closed pro-Kurdish Özgür Gündem daily, Şaban İba, was detained by gendarmes in the Edremit district of Balıkesir after a raid...

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