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Erdogan's palace

Number of bar associations boycotting judicial ceremony at Erdoğan palace rises to 41

Following the decision of nine bar associations across Turkey to boycott the opening ceremony of the new judicial year at the presidential palace in Ankara on...

Annual electricity consumption of Erdoğan’s palace equal to 1,300 residences

The Turkish presidential palace is expected to consume enough electricity in 2019 to power 1,300 private homes, according to a tender opened for the...

European rights court demands Turkey’s statement on cost of presidential palace

An application made by the Turkish Union of Engineers and Architects’ Chambers (TMMOB) Ankara office to the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) with...

Daughter of chairwoman of Council of State appointed to Erdoğan’s palace

Gonca Hatinoğlu, the daughter of Zerrin Güngör, the chairwoman of the Council of State, Turkey’s highest administrative court, was appointed to the presidential palace...

Mass transport of judges to presidential palace casts doubt on judicial independence

In a development that cast further doubt over the independence of the judiciary in Turkey, judges and prosecutors from one of the top courts...

Erdoğan aides to BBC reporter: All that glitters is not gold

A number of close aides to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Saturday blasted a BBC reporter accompanying British Prime Minister Theresa May in...

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