“Aysel,” a documentary filmed as part of the “Women’s Voice for Peace” project, reveals the injustices suffered by Kurdish politician Aysel Tuğluk, who was...
A documentary telling the stories of military cadets in Turkey, hundreds of whom were unjustly convicted due to their alleged involvement in a failed...
A documentary by Greek journalist Mariana Kakaounaki tells of the injustices faced by victims of Turkey’s post-coup crackdown, focusing on a tragedy that took...
"Elması Çöpe Atmak" (Throwing Diamonds in the Trash), a documentary recently released on KHK TV –- a YouTube channel established by Turkey’s purge victims –-...
A documentary that presents statements from military officers, politicians, journalists and civilians related to a coup attempt in Turkey in 2016 shows that Turkish...
Actor Sean Penn was seen in front of the Saudi Consulate General in Istanbul, reportedly making a documentary about journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who was...