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Frankfurt am Main



Arrested US pastor’s lawyer: Turkey’s Islamic government now targeting Christians

A lawyer representing the family of Andrew Craig Brunson, pastor of a Protestant church in İzmir who was arrested Friday after being detained in...

Turkish FM says 2 detained Czech citizens may be linked to PKK

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said on Tuesday that two Czech citizens who were detained in Turkey while illegally crossing the Turkish border into...

Turkish deputy PM says final operation to take over Syria’s al-Bab under way

Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmuş said on Monday that preparations for a final operation by Turkish-backed rebels to take over the Islamic State...

[VIDEO] Helsinki Commission focuses on post-coup human rights violations in Turkey

The Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), which is also known as the US Helsinki Commission, on Nov. 9 held a briefing...

Wembley Stadium’s ring of steel goes red in solidarity with Turkey

The famous ring of steel on Wembley Stadium in London was colored red on Sunday night in memory of the victims of a terror...

ISIL urges supporters to stage attacks targeting Turkish missions abroad

Abi al-Hassan al-Muhajer, a newly identified spokesman for the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), urged sympathizers around the world to carry...

Int’l cartoonist organizations demand release of Turkish colleague

Leading cartoonist organizations from around the world called on Turkey, in a joint statement, to release Musa Kart, a well-known Turkish cartoonist who was...

Denmark to pull its fighter jets out of Turkey’s İncirlik base

Denmark announced on Friday that it would not extend a six-month mission for seven F-16 jets at Turkey's İncirlik Airbase taking part in a...

Turkey says ‘a good part’ of Syrian Kurdish YPG has left Manbij

Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmuş said on Thursday that “a good part” of the Syrian Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) have withdrawn from...

Dutch gov’t asks EU to pressure Turkey over post-coup crackdown

The Dutch government has asked other member countries of the European Union to formally warn the Turkish government that a crackdown on dissent following...

Arab League’s secretary-general blames Turkey for ISIL’s growth

Ahmed Aboul Gheit, the secretary-general of the Arab League and a former Egyptian foreign minister, said on Wednesday that Ankara is responsible for the...

US court postpones gold trader Reza Zarrab’s trial to October 2017

US Federal Judge Richard Berman postponed the trial date of Reza Zarrab, a Turkish-Iranian gold trader who was arrested in Miami in March for...

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