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Books, newspaper copies used as evidence to show Gülen followers as terrorists

Turkish police displayed seized copies of national dailies critical of the Turkish government and a collection of books penned by Turkish-Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen...

50 killed, dozens injured at wedding ceremony attack in Gaziantep [VIDEO]

At least 50 people were killed and 94 others were injured when a bomb attack targeted an outdoor wedding ceremony in the southeastern Turkish...

Gülen-linked schools being turned into religious schools after closure

Some of the hundreds of schools linked to the faith-based Gülen movement which were closed down by a government decree last month are being...

PEN: 102 journalists are currently under arrest or in custody in Turkey

102 journalists are currently under arrest or in custody in Turkey, says recent Pen International report. 21 are currently detained. Out of the 79 arrests...

UN warns Turkey’s purge could violate international law after 40,000 detained

The United Nations has warned Turkey that wide-ranging purges and arrests following a failed coup “go beyond what can be justified” and may violate international...

At least 2,308 media workers lose jobs amid Turkey’s State of Emergency

Turkey’s declaration of State of Emergency has claimed the jobs of at least 2,308 media workers, according to a recent report prepared by DİSK...

New level of witch hunt: Relatives are targeted (VIDEO)

Witch hunt in Turkey came to a new level by targetting relatives of people who are accused to be associated with Hizmet movement and...

Physics Today: NASA scientist detained in Turkey

A NASA physicist has been arrested and detained in Turkey in the aftermath of the failed 15 July coup, according to Turkish media outlets and...

Turkey orders asset seizure of ‘Gülen-linked’ businesses

Turkey has ordered the seizure of the assets of 187 businessmen suspected of links to the Hizmet Movement and Fethullah Gülen. Police launched a large-scale...

Platform for an Independent Judiciary warned Turkey’s judiciary body

The High Council of Judges and Prosecutors of Turkey (HSYK) is currently dealing with the removal and dismissal of 3.500 judges and prosecutors who are suspended...

Erdogan’s authoritarian consolidation of power raises alarm (video)

Influential American think tank The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) prepared a video on Turkey's rapid drift from democracy after failed coup attempt. The video...

11 Killed in Attacks on Police, Military in Turkey; 226 Hurt

A string of bombings, blamed on Kurdish rebels and targeting Turkey's security forces, killed at least 11 people and wounded 226 others, officials said...

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