15 soldiers jailed on coup charges released from prison
Faces of prisoners rendered unrecognizable due to torture in Manisa, lawyer says
Prison administration refuses Novelist Aslı Erdoğan a sweater, CHP deputy says
Colombian President awarded with Nobel Peace Prize for his peace efforts
German press: 3 Turkish diplomats apply for asylum in Germany
Detention warrants issued for 166 police officers over use of ByLock
Energy minister: Gülenists are more dangerous than ISIL because they’re well educated
Turkish professor says Pokémon Go players act like spies betraying their country
Controversial AKP deputy says would beat Gülen followers if given the chance
Woman swindled out of $800K in fake police operation against alleged Gülenists
Another police officer commits suicide after being suspended in gov’t witch-hunt
Special commission to hear complaints from dismissed public servants