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15161 POSTS

Academic targeted by pro-gov’t media reveals litany of lies in stories

In a written statement released both in Turkish and English, UK-based academic Özcan Keleş denied recent allegations about him that appeared in Turkey’s mostly...

HDP deputies blame coup commission head for Kurdish mayor’s detention

Following the detention of Diyarbakır Co-mayor Gülten Kışanak only hours after she testified on Tuesday to Parliament’s Coup Investigation Commission, commission members from the...

30 academics, students from İzmir Dokuz Eylül University detained

As part of a relentless purge carried out by the government following a failed coup on July 15, police have detained 30 academics and...

81 police officers detained over ByLock app use

Despite a recent interview that invalidates the government’s allegations of ByLock mobile phone application use in a failed coup on July 15, Turkey on...

[UPDATE] Police chiefs in 61 provinces reshuffled across Turkey

With a new decree issued by the Ministry of Interior Affairs on Wednesday, the chiefs of police of 61 provinces across Turkey have changed...

Turkish Interior Ministry transfers police chiefs of 59 provinces

  Published in the Official Gazette early on Wednesday, Turkey's Interior Ministry has transferred the police chiefs of 59 provinces to other posts. Details to follow...

Teachers who deposited money in Bank Asya for interest-free banking dismissed, columnist says

Teachers who deposited money in Islamic lender Bank Asya, which was seized by the government, for its interest free accounts have been dismissed from...

Turkish Airlines flight attendant found dead in New York hotel room

Eda Ö., a Turkish Airlines (THY) flight attendant who had flown from İstanbul to New York City, was found dead in her room at...

DW: Former arrestee still feels pain of torture whenever he uses toilet

Thirty-one-year-old K.U., who was tortured for 17 days in custody after he was detained on terrorism charges in late August, says his testicles were...

NATO chief: Failed coup attempt in Turkey created gaps in alliance

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has said that a failed coup attempt in Turkey on July 15 has created gaps in the alliance since Turkey...

Police officer who tear-gassed Gezi Park protestors now accuses Gülen movement

The infamous police officer who sprayed tear gas directly into the face of a female protestor, for which he received a suspended 20-month jail...

DW: Turkish teacher hospitalized after being beaten during interrogation

A teacher known only by the initials E.B., who was arrested as part of an investigation into the Gülen movement, was hospitalized after he...

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