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Turkish Minute

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284 women killed in Turkey in domestic violence in 2020

At least 284 women were killed in Turkey at the hands of men in 2020, according to a parliamentary question submitted by an opposition...

Illiterate woman summoned by police over social media post

An illiterate woman has been summoned to a police station in Turkey’s southeastern province of Diyarbakır due to a social media message she allegedly...

Turkey’s media watchdog says TV guests can’t be allowed freedom of expression

In a controversial move, Turkey’s broadcasting watchdog, the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK), has stated that guests on TV programs cannot be allowed...

Second batch of CoronaVac vaccine arrives in Turkey from China

The second batch of a coronavirus vaccine ordered from Chinese biopharmaceutical company Sinovac arrived in Turkey on Monday. A Turkish Airlines plane carrying 6.5 million...

41 jailed post-coup victims died of cancer in 4 years

A total of 41 people who were jailed in a post-coup purge launched by the Turkish government in the aftermath of a failed coup...

Greece, Turkey open first crisis talks since 2016

Greece and Turkey bowed to EU and NATO pressure on Monday and opened the first direct talks in nearly five years over their explosive eastern Mediterranean...

14 years on, justice still remains elusive in Dink murder case

Alin Ozinian Fourteen years ago, on Jan. 19, 2007, Turkish Armenian journalist Hrant Dink was assassinated in broad daylight on a busy street in Istanbul....

Appeals court overturns verdict acquitting Kavala, others in Gezi Park trial

A regional court of appeals in İstanbul has overturned the decision of a high criminal court that acquitted leading businessman and rights defender Osman...

European politicians, experts discuss impunity in Turkey at online event

The Turkey Tribunal, a civil society-led symbolic international tribunal to review and deliver judgment on Turkey’s human rights record, held a webinar on Thursday...

Messaging app promoted by Erdoğan can analyze users’ state of mind

Turkey’s BiP messaging app, which recently became compulsory for the country’s public sector workers and which President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has personally promoted, has...

New indictment seeks 6 years for opposition politician in case involving Erdoğan aide

A new indictment drafted by an İstanbul prosecutor seeks a jail sentence of between two and six years for Canan Kaftancıoğlu, a politician from...

AKP executive ridiculed for claiming US President Biden has Kurdish roots

An executive from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) has claimed that US President Joe Biden has Kurdish roots, leading to jokes and...

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