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Deputy parliament speaker: West formed ‘crusader alliance’ against Turkey

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Turkish Deputy Parliament Speaker and Adıyaman deputy Ahmet Aydın has claimed that Western countries have joined forces to form a “crusader alliance” against Turkey in order to control it.

Aydın’s remarks came during an interview with the Milat daily on Wednesday.

“The West is united in a crusader alliance against Turkey because the West wants a Turkey it can control. Those who cannot accept a Turkey that is improving and growing are joining the crusader alliance in line with their own interests.”

Claiming that the West does not want Turkey to be successful as a leading global actor and is working on stopping Turkey from becoming stronger, Aydın said Turkey would continue its progress despite the West’s plans to hinder it.

Turkey’s Forestry Minister Veysel Eroğlu also said in January that Western countries want to complete the mission of the Crusades by destroying Turkey by means of terrorist organizations within the country that they are supporting.

Eroğlu then claimed that the Western world had been trying to destroy Turkey, the Ottoman Empire at the time, since the Treaty of Karlowitz, signed in 1699, ended Ottoman control in much of Central Europe.

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